Layer Attributes

Add Custom Classes, ID and other attributes to the Layer to target it with custom CSS/JS

1. Layer ID
Add a custom ID attribute to the Layer to target it with custom CSS/JS

2. Layer Classes
Add custom classes separated by commas to the Layer to target it with custom CSS/JS

3. Title Attribute
Add a title attribute to the Layer to assist with screen readers.

4. Rel Attribute
Add an optional rel attribute.  Useful for Layer links.

5. TabIndex
Specify a specific tabindex for the Layer for better accessibility.

6. Wrapper ID
Add a custom ID attribute to the Layer’s outermost div.  Useful for targeting the entire Layer with custom CSS/JS.

7. Wrapper Classes
Add custom class names separated by commas to the Layer’s outermost div.  Useful for targeting the entire Layer with custom CSS/JS.

Layer Attributes

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

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