RS Glossary

Definitions for special phrases used in the documentation.

“Rev Slider”, “Revolution Slider” or “Slider Revolution”.  They’re all the same plugin.

A “Template” or “Slider”.  Basically any RS shortcode you add to your web page is considered a “Module”.

Template Library
Located in the plugin’s main admin page, where “Template Packages” and “Templates” can be installed.

A “Module” that can be installed from the “Template Library”.

Template Package
A template located inside the “Template Library” that contains more than one “Module”.

A separate plugin that can be installed that provides additional functionality, features and effects for the main plugin.

A “Module” that contains more than one “Slide”

An individual “Slide” inside a “Slider”.

Hero Scene
A “Module” that contains only one “Slide”.

Scene Background, Main Background
An image, video, color or gradient that sits behind the Scene’s content “Layers”

An image, video, text, button or icon that exists inside a “Scene”.

Global Layers
A “Layer” that exists inside the “Global Layers” Scene, which are placed on top of all other regular Scenes.  These Layers will animate into view once and then always remain visible.

A separate plugin that can be installed that provides additional functionality, features and effects for the main plugin.

An editing mode that targets a specific window size or device.  For example, a Layer’s position and styling can be setup differently for the “Desktop Viewport” vs. the “Mobile Viewport”.

Scene Timeline
The visual frame-based timeline located at the bottom of the plugin’s main editor, where a content’s animation can be controlled.

User-based functionality that can be added to a “Layer”, such as navigating to a new web page when a button is clicked.

RS Glossary

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

If you need help with anything related to our plugin, please comment on a post or email me at

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