Customize Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

This article will help you use various methods to hide modules, slides and layers on different devices, or under specific widths, as well as showing alternate images.

Mastering Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Experience seamless control over the visibility of elements within your sliders with the exceptional capabilities of Slider Revolution.

Through the remarkable features that empower customizing elements’ visibility in Slider Revolution, you gain the power to effortlessly hide or disable modules [?] A module in Slider Revolution acts as a container for slides, which in turn act as containers for layers. Modules are created and edited with the module editor.

A "module" is a single, self contained piece of content. You can think of this as being similar to the way a post or page in regular WordPress is a self contained piece of content.

A module can represent any kind of content Slider Revolution is capable of creating, such as a slider, carousel, hero unit, navigation menu, posts display and so on.

Multiple modules can be combined to form rich content such as complete sites and landing pages.
, slides [?] A "slide" in Slider Revolution is a container into which multiple layers can be added, with layers in turn acting as containers for various forms of media such as images, text, video, audio, buttons, and special effects.

Slides are added to modules and edited via the module editor.

Within the module editor, each slide has its own animation timeline, background and collection of layers.

A single module can have one or many slides. A module with one slide is called a scene, and a module with multiple slides is called a slider or carousel.
, and layers [?] Layers are containers for visual, audio or layout items and are added to slides. For example, text, button, image, audio, video, group and row are all types of layers.

Layers are added to slides via the module editor.
based on specific device sizes or widths.

This unparalleled level of customization empowers you to curate the user experience by selectively revealing or concealing individual elements. Consequently, Slider Revolution becomes the ultimate choice for achieving your desired visual impact.

These features not only help create different presentations on different devices but also do so using just a single module.

Let’s learn to hide modules, slides, and layers.

Note: Each of these processes begins by going to your website dashboard:

WordPress Dashboard

Then, Go to the Slider Revolution plugin:

Slider Revolution tab in the sidebar

And open a module in the Module Editor:

Click on a pencil icon to edit a module

Hide a Module

Sometimes you might have a module with rich content that’s perhaps not suitable for mobile devices, or it may have a layout that requires a minimum amount of space.

If this is the case, you can:

We’ll cover how to use these three techniques in the sections below to control the elements’ visibility in Slider Revolution.

Disable a Module at Mobile Size

By disabling a module on mobile, it will hide the module for all visitors on mobile size devices. Moreover, in Slider Revolution Plugin, the mobile device size is considered480px or narrower.

Go to the Module General Options tab on the right sidebar:

Module General Options - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Go to the General sub-section:

General sub-section - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Scroll down to the Disable On Mobile panel:

Disable On Mobile panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Toggle the Disable Slider option to ON:

Disable Slider option - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the “Save” button:

Save button for Disable Slider setting

Hide a Module Under Specific Browser Width

Disabling a module on mobile is effectively a shortcut to hide it at browser viewport widths of 480px or narrower. However, if you need to specify a different viewport width to hide under, you can do so.

For example, you might have a layout that you want to hide on narrow viewports, like 320px or narrower. Alternatively, you might have a module that is only suited to larger screens, so you may want to hide it under a large size, such as 778px.

Go to the Module General Options tab on the right sidebar:

Module General Options

Go to the General sub-section:

General sub-section

Scroll down to the Hide Under Browser Width panel:

Hide Under Browser Width - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Input a numerical value in the pixel in the Slider option:

Hide Under Browser Width for Slider 778px

Click on the Save button:

Save button for Hide Under Browser Width

Replace a Module With a Static Image

Rather than completely hiding a module at mobile size, you might prefer to show a static image. This method allows you to still feature your product or services for mobile users without loading a dynamic module.

Go to the Module General Options tab on the right sidebar:

Module General Options

Go to the Advanced sub-section:

Advanced sub-section

Scroll down to the Fallback Settings panel:

Fallback Settings panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Alt. Image dropdown field:

Alt. Image drop down menu - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Select the On Mobile setting from the dropdown:

Alt. Image option, On Mobile setting selected  - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Media Library button to select an image:

Media Library button

Media Library popup will appear:

Media Library popup

Select an image:

Select an image from the media library popup

Click the Insert button:

Insert button to insert image from Media Library

Clicking on the Insert button will input the URL of the selected image in the Image URL field.

Image URL field with a URL for the image added from Media Library

Click on the Save button:

Save button for image URL

Hide Slides

Just as there are multiple ways you can hide entire modules, there are also ways you can hide specific slides.

You can:

Let’s see how to use each of these methods in the sections below.

Hide Slides at Mobile Sizes

This method is helpful if you hide a specific slide at mobile sizes but not the whole module.

Select the slide you want to hide from the Slides dropdown on the top toolbar:

Slides drop down menu

Go to the Progress sub-section:

Slide Options tab

Go to the Slide Options tab on the right sidebar:

Progress sub-section - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Scroll down to the Visibility panel:

Visibility panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Toggle the Hide on Mobile Icon option to ON:

Toggle the Hide On Mobile icon to ON - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Save button:

Save button for the Hide On Mobile icon toggle button

Hide a Slide After a Set Amount of Loops

You might have a slide you only want to show a specific number of times before hiding it. For example, a slide introducing the rest of the module content doesn’t need to be seen again.

This method lets you hide a slide after the module has looped through a specific number of times you can set as per your requirement.

Select the slide you want to hide from the Slides dropdown on the top toolbar:

Slides drop down menu

Go to the Slide Options tab on the right sidebar:

Slide Options tab

Go to the Progress sub-section:

Progress sub-section

Scroll down to the Visibility panel:

Visibility panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Input the number of times you want the module to loop through before the slide gets hidden in the N-x option, e.g. 1 to show the slide once, then hide it after that:

Input a slide Id in the N-x option field - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Save button:

Save button for the N-x option

Replace the First Slide With an Alternate Slide

It’s possible to replace the first slide of a module with an alternate slide.

Go to the Module General Options tab on the right sidebar:

Module General Options - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Go to the General sub-section:

General sub-section

Scroll down to the First Slide panel:

First Slide panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Toggle the Other 1. Slide option to ON:

Toggle the Other 1. Slide option to ON - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Look at the Slides dropdown on the top toolbar to find the number of the slide you want to use as an alternate:

Slides Ids in the Slides drop down menu

Input the alternate numerical slide number value in the # option field:

Input the alternate numerical slide number value in the # option field - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Save button:

Save butron for the slide number

Hide Layers

Just as you can hide modules and slides, you can also hide layers in the Slider Revolution plugin.

There are methods available to:

Let’s see how to use each of these three methods.

Hide Layers for Specific Device Sizes

Every layer has a set of toggles that let you hide it on each of the four device sizes: desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile.

You can use these toggles to hide layers unsuitable for specific device sizes, and in addition, show other layers better suited to those device sizes.

For example, you might make two versions of a particular layer: a large version suited to larger sizes and a smaller version suited to smaller sizes. You could then set the larger version to show on desktop and laptop sizes only and the smaller version to display on tablet and mobile sizes only. Here’s how this is done.

Select a layer from the timeline [?] The timeline is the section of the module editor dedicated to animation and controlling the stacking order of layers.

From this part of the editor animations can be added, adjusted and previewed. Additionally, layers can be selected from the timeline, and can be dragged and dropped up and down on the timeline to modify which appear in front and which behind.

It can be equally compared to both a timeline in a typical video editing application, and a layers panel in a typical graphic design application
 at the bottom of the module editor or by clicking it on the canvas:

Select a layer from the timeline at the bottom of the module editor or by clicking it on the canvas

Go to the Layer Options tab from the sidebar:

Layer Options tab

Go to the Visibility sub-section:

Visibility sub-section - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Head to the Visibility panel:

Visibility panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Toggle any of the four options to OFF to hide the layer on those device sizes:

Toggle any of the four options to OFF to hide the layer on those device sizes - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Click on the Save button:

Save button for the Toggle device sizes buttons

Hide Layers Under Specific Browser Width

It’s possible to set layers to be hidden under a specified browser viewport width, much like you can hide an entire module under a certain width.

There are two ways you can go about hiding layers under a specified size:

  • Set a value under which all layers should be hidden
  • Set a value under which marked layers should be hidden

If you hide all layers under a specific width, your module will have no content at that size except the background layer. This can be an excellent method if your slides have a cool image or video in the background layer, resulting in an impressive visual effect even without any additional layers.

Marking only particular layers to hide under a specific width allows you to prevent clutter by reducing the amount of content on smaller-width viewports.

You can use either approach alone or combine the two.

For example, you can choose a couple of layers to hide under 778px width and also hide all layers under 448px width.

Marking a Layer to be Hidden

To mark a layer to be hidden, select it from the timeline at the bottom of the module editor or by clicking it on the canvas:

Select a from the timeline at the bottom of the module editor or by clicking it on the canvas:

Go to the Layer Options tab from the sidebar:

Layer Options tab

Head to the Visibility sub-section:

Visibility sub-section - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Go to the Visibility panel:

Visibility panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

Mark the layer to be hidden by toggling the Hide “Under” Width option to ON:

Mark the layer to be hidden by toggling the Hide "Under" Width option to ON - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution
Setting Layer Hiding Widths

If you hide marked layers and all layers, you’ll need to specify the width at which you want that hiding to kick in. Both options are in the same part of the module editor, so we’ll look at them at once.

Go to the Module General Options tab on the right sidebar:

Module General Options

Go to the General sub-section:

Module General Option

Scroll down to the Hide Under Browser Width panel:

Scroll down to the Hide Under Browser Width panel - Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

If you want to hide marked layers, input the width under which those layers should be hidden in the Marked Layers option:

Marked Layers option:

And if you want to hide all layers, input the width under which they should be hidden in the All Layers option:

input the width under which they should be hidden in the All Layers option

Click on the Save button:

Save button

Show Layers if Mouse Over Slide

It is possible to set layers to be hidden by default and then have them reveal themselves only when a mouse hovers over the slide. This feature allows you to add an element of surprise and interactivity to your sliders. By hiding the layers initially, you can create a sense of anticipation and encourage users to engage with the content by hovering their mouse over the slide. This technique adds an extra layer of engagement and enhances the overall user experience of your sliders.

When a visitor hovers and triggers the layer’s appearance, it will use its IN animation. When the mouse has moved away again, the layer will animate out using its OUT animation.

To use this technique, select a layer from the timeline or the canvas:

Select a layer from the timeline or the canvas

Head to the Layer Options tab from the sidebar:

Layer Options tab

Go to the Visibility sub-section:

Visibility sub-section

Go to the Visibility panel:

Visibility panel

Toggle the Show if mouse over the Slider option to ON:

Toggle the Show if mouse over the Slider option to ON

Click on the Save button:

Save button for the Toggle Slider option

By effectively controlling the visibility of elements in Slider Revolution, you can elevate the engagement and user-friendliness of your slider. With the powerful Visibility settings, along with the Show on and Hide on settings, you have the ability to fine-tune how your slider is displayed across various devices and in different scenarios. This level of control empowers you to deliver a consistent and tailored experience to your audience, ensuring that your slider showcases the desired content precisely as intended. Whether it’s hiding specific elements on certain devices or selectively revealing elements based on user interactions, Slider Revolution enables you to create a truly captivating and seamless slider experience.

Contact Our Awesome Support

If you need assistance or have any questions regarding the elements’ visibility in Slider Revolution, our support team is here to help. You can reach out to us by opening a ticket or sending an email to

Customize Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

The Author

Kashif Ahmed

Technologist, Writer, Philosopher, and above all, a problem-solver. Living by the motto "Be the reason someone smiles today."

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me directly at

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8 thoughts on “Customize Elements Visibility in Slider Revolution

  1. Hello and thanks for the very well written post.

    Unfortunately I could not find the answer I was looking for, which admittedly is quite specific.
    I use a separate image as layer for each device size (desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile). Under Visibility I defined that each image shall be visible only on the corresponding screen resolution range. So far it works well.
    However according to the network tab of my browser’s dev tools all four images are loaded regardless of the screen resolution which might impair the performance.
    Is there any solution for that?

    Here a snapshot out of dev tools: [Slider-Revolution-Network-Tab.png]( _D, _L, _T and _M are the different image sizes.

    P.S. I received the plugin bundled with my WoodMart theme, so that I cannot open a ticket directly.

    1. Hello,

      thanks for contacting us! Your request requires one of our support agents to have a closer look.

      In order to give our clients the best support possible, we are having a support ticket system reachable via the link below.

      Please use it for your upcoming questions concerning one of our products. This will guarantee the fastest answer possible. Support requests here cannot be answered unfortunately. Thank you!

      Please use our ticket systems over at:

      Cheers Dirk @ Slider Revolution

      1. Hello Dirk,

        thanks for you reply. I was aware of the ticket support system, however I am not able to create there a ticket as my Slider Revolution came bundled with my theme. From what I see only customers who purchased directly have access. I hope this does not mean theme customers are left out without support.


        1. Hi,

          as you have received the free version of our plugin bundled with a theme, there are two options:

          1. Please contact the theme author for support as she is responsible for supporting all bundled plugins , same goes for plugin updates

          2. If you need direct support from us or live updates, you can purchase a plugin license at a great price directly from us here:

          The license key you receive will allow you to submit a ticket to our support system where we can look into this for you.

          Also, as a premium member, you will receive the benefits listed here

          Cheers, Dirk @ Slider Revolution

  2. i had a picture in the slide background, and i just want to remove that picture from the slide background, suddenly there is no solution for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hello,

      I’m sorry to hear you’re having difficulties with the slide background. To remove a picture from the slide background in Slider Revolution:

      Open the specific slide where the image is set as the background.
      In the “Slide Background” section, you should see the image you’ve set.
      Right next to the image, there should be an “X” or “Remove” button. Click on it.
      This will remove the image from the slide background.
      If you’re not seeing these options or if you’re encountering any issues, please provide a screenshot or any additional details, and we’ll be happy to assist you further. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re here to help!

      Please raise a ticket over at , thanks.

      Best regards, Dirk @ Slider Revolution

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