What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU.
What is the problem with Google Fonts and GDPR?
If the user is not informed about Google Fonts and does not consent to collect his device IP address, the usage of Google Fonts would violate GDPR. Even worse, in January 2022 the regional court in the German city of Munich declared that Google Fonts is not GDPR/DSGVO-compliant.
How to avoid GDPR issues with Google Fonts in Slider Revolution?
In order to avoid any issues with GDPR we have included a setting in the Global Options of Slider Revolution named “Enable Google Fonts Download”. You can set this to “Cache Fonts Local” to let Slider Revolution download all used Google Fonts to your server. As long as this setting keeps being turned on your own server will be used to download the Google Fonts and your users will not contact any Google server for this.
If there are issues with fonts missing or similar please press the “Update Preload Fonts” manually to reset the Google fonts on your server.

You can find more information on this setting (and all Global Settings for that matter) in our manual.
If you are encountering any problems or have any queries, feel free to contact our support team by opening a ticket or sending us an email (help@stage.rvsldr.com)
This is the perfect solution for the Material Icons not showing up in Slider Revolution’s admin.