How to renew a cancelled subscription license?

In your personal Slider Revolution dashboard you see an overview of all your licenses. This is where you can easily update payment methods and renew cancelled licenses.

Table of Contents

Login to your dashboard

Login to your license management dashboard here.

In case you forgot your password, you can reset it here.

Make sure your payment method is up to date

In your dashboard, click “Subscription Info” on the license where you want to update the payment method, to see more information.

Then click the edit icon on your currently saved payment method.

You will be taken to our payment providers page in a new browser tab, where you can update your payment method.

After making changes to your payment method, please manually reload your dashboard page first.

It might take a minute for the payment method change to take effect.

Renew your license

Simply press the “renew” button on the subscription license that you would like to renew.

A popup will appear that explains your license renewal costs.

Press the “Renew Now” button to renew your license.

Benefit from upgrading your licenses

Note that after renewing a subscription license you can also upgrade it to get more license keys.
Upgrading subscriptions will give you great discounts!

Learn more about subscription upgrades here.

How to renew a cancelled subscription license?

The Author

Moritz Prätorius

To construct is the essence of vision. Dispense with
construction and you dispense with vision. Everything you experience by sight is your construction.

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6 thoughts on “How to renew a cancelled subscription license?

      1. So if I create a slider that uses premium content or premium tamplates, after the end of the subscription the slider will stop displaying correctly on the page?

          1. Cancelei minha assinatura sem querer, então vou comprar uma nova licença para registrar esse mesmo dominio que utilizava na assinatura “cancelada”. Minha dúvida é: quando registrar novamente esse mesmo dominio a uma nova licença, meu website vai quebrar? Utilizei recursos premium.

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