How to Replace Theme Bundled Version with Premium Version

If the plugin was bundled with your theme but you've also purchased an individual license of the plugin for it's premium features.

Quick Setup - Slider Revolution

When a Theme packages the plugin with the theme itself, it’s the same exact plugin that we sell individually on  But only the stand-alone version is eligible for Premium Benefits, so many customers choose to purchase the plugin individually as well to unlock its full potential.

If you’ve purchased the stand-alone version, you won’t need to uninstall your theme’s version.  Instead, all you have to do is register your purchase code.

Then once your Purchase Code has been officially registered, you will be able to update the plugin to the latest version automatically, and also gain access to special features such as the Included Premium Templates available for Slider Revolution.

Additional Reference :

How to Replace Theme Bundled Version with Premium Version

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

If you need help with anything related to our plugin, please comment on a post or email me at

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