How To Test and Resolve Conflicts

Is your module broken or not behaving as per the configuration? Chances are there is a conflict. This article will help you troubleshoot the issue.

What Is a Conflict?

A “conflict” is an incompatibility between the Slider Revolution plugin and your theme or any third-party plugins that may be installed on your site.

Where theme or plugin(s) are not behaving correctly, issues are often recognized as conflict.

Why Is Testing for Conflict Important?

Testing for a conflict is essential because it will help to narrow down the source of the issue(s).

How To Test for a Conflict?

We’ll go through a complete step-by-step to determine if any conflict is occurring, but first, let’s have a quick summary of the process.

Step 1: Prepare for the conflict test.

  • Create a complete backup of your website.
  • Turn off all plugins except the Slider Revolution plugin.
  • Deactivate your current theme and instead activate any official theme by WordPress—for example, Twenty-Twenty-One or Twenty-Twenty.

Step 2: Inspect for the source of the conflict.

  • Go to the page where the issue was occurring and reload the page.
  • If the issue continues, it indicates that a conflict with your theme or plugins did not cause it. You can then reactivate all your plugins and switch back to your main theme. You can skip the rest of the steps in this sequence and move to the last section of the article on contact our support.
  • If the issue goes away, this shows a conflict caused it, and we now need to identify which theme or plugin the conflict is with.
    • Reactivate your theme, then refresh the page with your module [?] A module in Slider Revolution acts as a container for slides, which in turn act as containers for layers. Modules are created and edited with the module editor.

      A "module" is a single, self contained piece of content. You can think of this as being similar to the way a post or page in regular WordPress is a self contained piece of content.

      A module can represent any kind of content Slider Revolution is capable of creating, such as a slider, carousel, hero unit, navigation menu, posts display and so on.

      Multiple modules can be combined to form rich content such as complete sites and landing pages.
      . If the issue returns, you know the conflict is with your theme, but keep following the steps.
    • Reactivate all your plugin(s) one by one, refreshing the page after each. When you see the issue return, you know the plugin you reactivated most recently is the one with which there’s a conflict.

Note: Always be cautious if you are testing for conflicts on a live site. A backup before you begin is recommended.

Let’s prepare for the conflict test.

Prepare for the Conflict Test

Disable Plugin(s)

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins:

Go to Plugins then Installed Plugins

Select all plugins:

Select all plugins

Uncheck the Slider Revolution plugin:

Uncheck the Slider Revolution plugin

Select Deactivate from a drop-down Bulk actions options:

Select Deactivate from a drop-down Bulk actions options to find conflicts.

Click the Apply button:

Click the Apply button - Find conflicts

Disable Your Theme

Go to Appearance > Themes:

Go to Appearance > Themes

Activate any official theme (e.g., Twenty-twenty-one):

Activate any official theme (e.g: Twenty-twenty-one) to find conflicts

Inspect the Source of the Conflict

Go to the page with your module on the front end, and reload the page. If the issue is occurring in the module editor [?] Addons extend the functionality of Slider Revolution, adding new controls to the module editor and allowing you to do extra things with your design.

For example, using the particle addon you can create effects such as falling snow, and using the distortion addon you can create shimmering effects such as simulating being underwater.

There are dozens of addons available, all included with the full version of Slider Revolution.
, reload the module editor page to find out whether the conflict has gone away or not.

If you are still encountering the issue, activate the theme of your choice and all other plugins (that were activated before on your site), and contact our support team.

However, if the issue disappears, then follow the steps below.

  • Reactivate your theme, then refresh the page with your module.
  • Reactivate all your plugin(s) one by one, refreshing the page after each.

Reactivate Your Theme

Go to Appearance > Themes:

Go to Appearance > Themes

Reactivate the theme of your choice:

Reactivate the theme of your choice - Conflicts

Reactivate Plugins One by One

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins:

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins

Activate one plugin at a time:

Activate one plugin at a time

Continue reloading the page after each plugin is activated.

Results of the Conflict Test

Please answer these questions and share them with our support team.

  • Does the issue(s) occur with an official theme and Slider Revolution plugin activated?
  • Does the issue occur with your preferred theme and Slider Revolution plugin activated?
  • Does the issue occur with an official theme, any other plugin, and the Slider Revolution plugin activated?
  • Is the conflict coming from any specific feature/option from your preferred theme, another plugin (s), and the Slider Revolution plugin?

Update WordPress, Themes, and Plugins

Ensure you have the latest versions of WordPress, themes, and third-party plugins installed on your site.

Perform the following tasks to eliminate the chances of a conflict from outdated WordPress, Themes, and Plugins.

  • Check for the available updates.
  • Perform the updates.
  • Test for the issue again.

Let’s learn to update WordPress, Theme(s), and Plugin(s).

Ensure Your WordPress is Updated

Check for the Theme’s Update

Check for All the Plugins’ Update

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard > Updates section.
  • See if any update is available for any installed plugin(s).
  • Update the Plugin(s) to the latest version available.

Contact Our Support

If you find a conflict with a third-party plugin or theme, please get in touch with our support team by opening a ticket or emailing us (

And include the results from the conflict test and screenshot(s) of the option or feature from the theme or plugin(s)’ admin dashboard causing the issue so we can help find a solution that gets everything working together.

How To Test and Resolve Conflicts

The Author

Kashif Ahmed

Technologist, Writer, Philosopher, and above all, a problem-solver. Living by the motto "Be the reason someone smiles today."

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me directly at

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6 thoughts on “How To Test and Resolve Conflicts

    1. Hello,

      thanks for contacting us! Your request requires one of our support agents to have a closer look.

      In order to give our clients the best support possible, we are having a support ticket system reachable via the link below.

      Please use it for your upcoming questions concerning one of our products. This will guarantee the fastest answer possible. Support requests here cannot be answered unfortunately. Thank you!

      Please use our ticket systems over at: or

      Cheers Dirk @ Slider Revolution

  1. I made an image a clickable link to a WooCommerce shop page and it worked fine until I try to access the WP dashboard. Then, the site crashes. I can view the home page (with the link) and the shop page but can not get to the WP admin page.

    When I made the link on the front page, I did not realize the previous person had added the image with a text layer, using Slider Revolution. That never even occurred to me because it is a static page. There are no sliders or slide shows. So, why they did it that way, who knows?

    The only way I could continue working was to deactivate Slider Revolution again but that hurts the home page.

    Anyway, anything I can do to regain access to my WP dashboard with Slider Revolution activated?

    1. Hi Anthony,

      you can remove the revslider folder from your plugins folder. That would be the quickest fix.

      Many people use Slider Revolution for the simplest tasks since it delivers an instant responsive solution that looks great on every device.

      Cheers, Dirk @ Slider Revolution

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