Instagram Stream Setup Instructions with Access Token

The following guide will show you how to generate an Access Token that will be used on your Instagram Stream Slider (min. SRv6.2.15).

Step 1:

Go to Facebook developers portal and create a new app. (Skip this step if you already have an app)

Step 2:

Open app and select “Settings > Basic” in left sidebar options. Scroll to bottom and click on “Add Platform” button

Step 3:

Choose “Website”

Step 4:

Enter “Website URL” and save changes

Step 5:

Select “Products” in the left sidebar column, and setup Instagram Basic Display

Step 6:

Select “Basic Display” in the left sidebar column

Step 7:

Click on “Create New App”

Step 8:

Scroll down to “User Token Generator” section and click on “Add or Remove Instagram Testers”

Step 9:

You will be redirected to the “Roles” page, where you can send an invite to your Instagram account by clicking on “Add Instagram Tester”

Step 10:

Send an invite to your Instagram account.

Note :

This is where you’ll choose an Instagram Account where you’ll like to stream on a slider.

Step 11:

Log in to your account on Instagram site and navigate to “Settings > Apps and Websites” section

Step 12:

Navigate to “Tester Invites” and click “Accept”

Step 13:

In the Facebook Developers Portal, select your App and Navigate to “Instagram > Basic Display”

Step 14:

Click on “Generate Token” to create a token key.

Important Note:

Tokens can only be generated for public Instagram accounts.

Step 15:

Copy the Generated token key into the Instagram Stream Slider/Grid

Slider Revolution Instagram Stream

Instagram Stream Setup Instructions with Access Token

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

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