Every Direct Customer purchase includes a unique purchase code that can be used to activate premium benefits for the plugin such as instant updates and premium templates.
A purchase code can only be registered on a single domain.
The only exception is development environments that can be identified by the domain name to be one. So if you’re using a staging site or localhost in addition to a live site you can use the same key as for the live environment.
Here is a list of whitelisted domain that we allow for development sites or localhost. For further clarification, you can open a support ticket here https://support.sliderrevolution.com/ or email us at help(at)sliderrevolution.com or help(at)essential-grid.com
Exact domain matches
* localhost
* apache
* wordpress
* local
* cloudwaysapps.com
* cloudwaysapp.com
* wpengine.com
* stagingweb.net
* myftpupload.com
* temp.domains
* gridserver.com
* cloudapp.net
* pantheonsite.io
* azure.com
* pairsite.com
* flywheelsites.com
* smarthost.pl
* azurewebsites.net
* beget.tech
* webspaceconfig.de
* w3pcloud.com
* lndo.site
* wpserveur.net
* kinsta.com
* kinsta.cloud
* flywheelstaging.com
* wpstagecoach.com
* dev.cc
* IP domains (e.g.
* myraidbox.de
* accessdomain.com
* amazonaws.com
* sg-host.com
* cloudaccess.host
* dream.press
* your-server.de
Development domain starts with
* dev.
* test.
* clone.
* dev[numbers]. (e.g. dev3.website.com)
* dev-
* local.
* webdev.
* site[numbers]. (e.g. site02.website.com)
* stage[numbers]. (e.g. stage25.example.com)
* staging[numbers]. (e.g. staging25.example.com)
* dev[number][anything].*.* (e.g. dev123-xy.example.com)
Development domain contains
* -development.
* -local.
* -staging.
* -test.
* staging
* wpengine
* testsite
* .sites.
* dev.
* devsite
* .[anything]dev.
* debug.
* stage.
* -dev.
* -qa.
Development domain ends with
* .dev
* .test
* .localdev
* -liquidwebsites.com
* .docksal
* .loc
* .wpmudev.host
* .testurl.ws
* .myftpupload.com
* .sg-host.com