WordPress 5.5 Important Update Information

If you have updated to WP 5.5, please DON‘T SAVE any projects in Slider Revolution until updating at least to version 6.2.18.

1. Data can be lost when saving projects

A certain deprecated jQuery function in WordPress 5.5 is causing some settings in Slider Revolution to be reset to their default value upon opening the Slider Revolution editor.

Don’t save any module if you have updated to WordPress 5.5 but haven’t updated Slider Revolution yet.

2. Functionality and styling problems in Gutenberg

Furthermore, some functionality in the Gutenberg editor could be broken as a lot of things were changed there too in the newest version of this editor.

Update Slider Revolution to a version 6.2.18 or newer!

The new version that fixes the above problems is available NOW! Go get it at: https://account.sliderrevolution.com/ or CodeCanyon.

WordPress 5.5 Important Update Information

The Author


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

If you need help with anything related to our plugin, please comment on a post or email me at kc@stage.rvsldr.com.

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4 thoughts on “WordPress 5.5 Important Update Information

    1. Dear seo,

      Thank you for your comment and your interest in our plugin. We apologize for any difficulties you have encountered. It looks like you are using the Slider Revolution bundled with the Be Theme. Please note that we can only provide support to our customers.

      If you have received the free version of our plugin bundled with a theme, there are two options available to you:

      1. Contact the theme author for support and updates. The theme author is responsible for supporting all bundled plugins and providing updates.
      2. Purchase a plugin license from us directly. This will allow you to submit a ticket to our support system and receive live updates. As a premium member, you will also receive additional benefits.

      Please visit the following links for more information:

      Thank you for considering our plugin. We hope this information is helpful.

      Best regards,
      Dirk @ Slider Revolution

  1. I use wordpress 6.3.1.
    I updated SliderRevolution from 5.5 to 6.6.12.
    Now i cant see the gallery pic. any more. when i goes to site edit mode, entering the slider & enter preview, i can see it.

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