Slides: A Container for Layers
We just covered how modules are containers for slides. So then, what are slides?

Table of Contents
- ‘Slide’ and ‘Slider’ Explained (Video Tutorial)
- All Slides Contain Layers
- Slides Have Their Own Canvas, Collection of Layers and Animations
- One or Multiple Slides per Module
You know from the previous page of the manual that the purpose of modules is to act as containers for slides. Given that, the next logical question is: “What exactly is the purpose of slides?” The answer is:
The purpose of a slide is to act as a container for layers [?]
Layers are containers for visual, audio or layout items and are added to slides. For example, text, button, image, audio, video, group and row are all types of layers.
Layers are added to slides via the module editor..
Note: We’ll be explaining more about layers on the next page.
In the same way a module provides a container for slides, a slide in turn provides a container for layers.
We’ll be covering what layers are in depth in our Layers Breakdown section of this manual, but to give you context here: Layers constitute all the different types of media you can add to your design, such as text, images, video and audio.
So the job of a slide is to provide a space in which layers, i.e. media, can be created and configured.
‘Slide’ and ‘Slider’ Explained (Video Tutorial)
Everything covered in the A Closer Look section of the manual, including what slides are and how you can add, view and modify them, can also be learned by watching the ‘A Closer Look at Modules, Slides & Layers’ tutorial video below.
Additionally, you can also learn the difference between a ‘slide’ and ‘slider’ at the 03:39 mark:
If you watched the above video in full you can skip the remainder of the A Closer Look section of the manual and proceed to Module Editing Basics.
Or, continue reading to learn more about the relationship between slides and layers:
All Slides Contain Layers
You learned on the previous page that every module has at least one slide. So too every slide must have at least one layer.
To ensure this, when a new slide is created a background [?]
A "background" in Slider Revolution is a type of layer that is always present in every module, and is always visually behind all other layers.
A background can be transparent, a flat color, a gradient, an image, or a video. It can be animated in the same way as other layers can be, however it cannot be deleted. layer is automatically added. This layer is always there, in every slide, and while it can be renamed and made invisible it cannot be removed. You’ll be able to see this background layer at the top of the timeline [?]
The timeline is the section of the module editor dedicated to animation and controlling the stacking order of layers.
From this part of the editor animations can be added, adjusted and previewed. Additionally, layers can be selected from the timeline, and can be dragged and dropped up and down on the timeline to modify which appear in front and which behind.
It can be equally compared to both a timeline in a typical video editing application, and a layers panel in a typical graphic design application of any slide.

Slides Have Their Own Canvas, Collection of Layers and Animations
When a new slide is created it starts with an empty canvas [?]
The canvas is the point and click design space in the module editor. It forms the largest area of the module editor.
In this area layers can be selected, moved and resized. Animations can also be previewed. area in the module editor [?]
The "Module Editor" is the tool used to create & modify modules.
Through this visual, drag & drop, no-code interface you can add various types of layers, animation and special FX to your modules, as well as managing slides and configuring options.. This area can be filled with layers meant to appear only in that slide and no others. Those layers can then be animated in whatever way suits that particular slide best.
While there can be some common features between slides, you will typically add unique content to each.

One or Multiple Slides per Module
You can think of a slide as being like an illustration on a page. An artist can publish a single illustration, or they can combine several into a book so people can flip through them. Slides in a module work the same way.
In a module you can design just one slide if that’s all you need for the type of content you’re making, for example a header or an advertising banner. Or you can design a number of slides and then decide how you’d like visitors to be able to flip through to see each one, for example as a product slideshow or an image carousel.
So Then, What’s a Layer?
You now know modules are containers for slides, and slides are containers for layers. What then is a layer? I think you might be able to guess, but we’ll cover the answer in the next page, Layers: A Container for Media.