
The fundamentals of using Slider Revolution.

The Module Editor: 4 Sections

Slider Revolution's module editor has four main sections. Let's take a quick glance at what they are.

In this part of our Closer Look section we’re going to get into a breakdown of Slider Revolution’s all important tool: the Module Editor.

We’ll be looking at each of the four main sections of the editor, so to give you some context before we jump in let’s start with a quick image showing where they all are in the interface:

  • Canvas (1)
  • Timeline (2)
  • Sidebar (3)
  • Top Toolbar (4)
1. Canvas, 2. Timeline, 3. Sidebar, 4. Top Toolbar.

Module Editor Sections (Video Tutorial)

The four main sections of the module editor are covered in the below ‘A Closer Look at Modules, Slides & Layers’ tutorial video from the 0:42 mark:

If you watched the above video in full you can skip the remainder of the A Closer Look section of the manual and proceed to Module Editing Basics.

Or, now that you have your bearings, continue on as we take a closer look at The Canvas: Slider Revolution’s Drag & Drop Visual Workspace.

The Module Editor: 4 Sections