Login pages are an integral part of websites. Most login forms have a simple design but there are ways to make them inviting and even amusing.
Login forms are the most used element of a website. They can appear as one line in the header of the site or have a separate page designated for them. To add a login form to a website it is best to use Bootstrap login form templates. They are easy to customize and insert into an existing site.
Here is a collection of free Bootstrap login form templates with excellent designs.
Bootstrap Login Forms To Check Out
Bootstrap Login Form
Created by Jonnie Spratley
This is a simple login form. It has a place for a logo icon and name.
It includes a username and password field, a remember me option, and a sign-in button.
Elegant Login Page

Created by SamimOnline
The starry background of this login form makes it elegant. It also has bright colors to stand out.
It offers Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ sign-in options.
Simple Bootstrap Login Form
Created by Kumar Priyansh
This login form might benefit from having its own page. It clearly displays logos for more brand recognition.
Login/Registration form
Created by scanfcode
This code snippet provides a functional registration form with a modern design.
Bootstrap 4 login form with footer

Created by Omkar Bailkeri
Here is an elaborate login form built on Bootstrap, with space for an image.
It offers different sign-in options. It also has a footer with social media icons and copyright.
Sign-Up/Login Form
Created by Eric
Also built on Bootstrap, this form offers functional tabs to sign up or log in. It has a boxy design style and uses colors to make it stand out.
Clean login form
Created by Peter Tóth
Peter Tóth presents a clean Bootstrap login form with this code snippet. It is perfect for modern applications.
Pure CSS3 Login Form
Created by Daniel Zawadzki
Here is a login page with an SVG icon. It displays sign-in and sign-up tabs.
In the future, the code will be updated to switch back and forth between the two tabs.
Created by Gaurav Gupta
This is a responsive Bootstrap form with bright colors that would look good on its own page.
My Awesome Login Page

Created by SamimOnline
Another Bootstrap login concept with bright colors, a place for a logo, and basic elements.
Flat Login Form v2
Created by Sergey Kupletsk. Inspired by Abhimanyu Rana
Users can enter a logo, title, and description with this login design code.
My User Login Page

Created by Raj78
This login form has a unique sliding effect.
Animated login form
Created by Mohamed Boudra
The code snippet for this login form includes many animated effects. It is a great option for those with limited space on their website.
Bootstrap Login Form Design #1
Created by LotusOrb
The code snippet provided here leaves space for text, sign-in options, and a sign-up page.
Popup Login jQuery
Created by Bijay Pakhrin
This is a modal login form that users must click on for it to pop up.

Created by Ondrej
Bootstrap 4, jQuery, and HTML elements mold this registration page. Font Awesome icons identify where to put the names, email, and other information.
Login & Sign Up Form Concept
Created by Dany Santos
Here is a login and signup form with an animation effect when users change tabs.
Bootstrap form
Created by Angeal
This Bootstrap-based login form adds an elegant touch with a black and white color scheme.
bootstrap login form
Created by sinan celik
This code snippet provides a larger login form. It allows users to include a description and social media icons.
Animated Login Form
Created by Che
The animation effects make this form special. It “unfolds” to display the login page.
Login Form
Created by aleks bella
Use this code for a login design that does not distract from the features of the website.
Simple Login Widget
Created by Alexander Eckhart
The login form presented here is super simple with basic elements.
Login form, sign in form

Created by vosidiy
Vosidiy offers three different login form design styles.
Day 001 Login Form
Created by Mohan Khadka
Users can add a background image to this login form. It includes functional login and sign-up tabs.
It would be perfect for hotels, travel sites, or other professional websites.
Flickering Login
Created by Jeff Thomas
The shadow effects and font of this login page give it a futuristic feel. The letters flicker and light up.

Created by Nauval
Nauval designed a login page template based on Bootstrap 4. It is free for personal or commercial use.
Simple bootstrap login form
Created by matt05
Here a simple and minimal Bootstrap login form.
The icon is a closed padlock. The design is modern and clean and uses an appealing blue hue.
Bootstrap Login Form
Created by Rohit Maharjan
Here is a simple and basic form concept with logo and color options to make the login process less boring.
Flat UI Login
Created by Saysora
Websites can use this code to put a login option in their header. The login form appears on click for a clean design that saves precious website space.
Login With 15 Social Buttons (Bootstrap 4 Version)

Created by onlynext
A Bootstrap login concept with fifteen social media buttons.

Created by StartBootstrap
This is a simple and modern login page with basic form fields.
Bootstrap Login form
Created by Divyanshu Sisodiya
Here is a creative design for a login page.
Login page

Created by SammuMufeed
Use this code snippet for a full page dedicated to logging in.
Bootstrap Login Form
Created by Kenneth Sweet
The HTML, CSS, and JS coding used here creates a basic login form with a small but amusing animation effect.

Created by StartBootstrap
Here is a responsive Bootstrap registration page with floating labels and social media buttons.
Tumblr Login/Signup Toggle
Created by Billy
This login page is similar to Tumblr’s login page. It features a big background image and toggles between signing in and signing up.
Created by Aigars Silkalns
Here is a minimal bootstrap login concept. It has generic options so it is suitable for any website or mobile application.
Its flat design makes it a great login form for modern sites.
Animated Login Form
Created by Alex Cornejo
This code snippet presents a simple black and white Bootstrap login concept.
Bootstrap 4 Animated Login Form

Created by BBBootstrap Team
Here is another login form full of effects. It has a modern and fun design yet it is simple.
Animated loading and login
Created by Curt Husting
A rather unique login concept, this code includes an animated loading page.
Login Form – Modal
Created by Andy Tran
Andy Tran got creative while designing this login and registration form. Viewers first see the log-in form, but by pressing the blue bar on the right, the registration form appears.
Users can add text or an icon to identify the registration form.
Simple form with validation

Created by dipendra
Here is an example of a sign-in and signup Bootstrap form. It is a plain form but uses a fancy font to add a little class.
CSS- Advanced Version
Created by Pablo Eugenio Lujambio Martinez
This is a split-screen Bootstrap login design where users can add an image and a description.
BS4 Login, Register + Mobile

Created by TheAlexandru
Another Bootstrap login form and registration form that offers different sign-in options.
Toggle Login/Register
Created by Anders Grimsrud
This code is a good example of a Bootstrap login concept perfect for websites with limited space. It uses the same form for login and registration.
Bootstrap Login Page
Created by Emre Berber
A responsive Bootstrap login concept suited for modern websites.
Boostrap Dual-Login

Created by kshiti06
Here is a dual login page so users can log in to different accounts from the same page.

Created by dimi130473
Although made of basic login elements, this code snippet creates a sleek Bootstrap login design.

Created by StartBootstrap
This form comes complete with floating labels, social media buttons, and custom buttons.
bootstrap login and register design
Created by Yousef Sami
A login page with a clean design turns into a clean registration page.
Two Login Form

Created by kshiti06
Here is another example of a dual Bootstrap login page.
Bootstrap Login Form
Created by Srinivasan K K
This registration form includes many input fields.
Login Form
Created by Tyler Fry
Here is a minimal login page that looks as if it has been engraved into the website.
login/signup animation
Created by Shayan
Here is a login and signup form with smooth transition effects. It is specifically designed for and works well with mobile applications.
Prism login form
Created by Ganesh
Ganesh presents a login and registration page with a bright yellow prism background.

Created by Epic Bootstrap
Last but not least, this is a registration form with many input fields and social media buttons.
FAQs about Bootstrap login forms
1. What is a Bootstrap login form?
Developers can utilize a pre-made user interface element called a Bootstrap login form to make a login page for a web application. An open-source front-end framework known as Bootstrap makes it simple to build responsive and mobile-friendly web pages by offering a selection of pre-built UI components.
2. How can I create a Bootstrap login form?
The relevant Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files must be included in your HTML page before using the Bootstrap classes and components to build the login form. Using CSS and JavaScript, you can alter the form’s appearance and functionality.
3. What are the benefits of using a Bootstrap login form?
A Bootstrap login form can reduce development time and provide uniformity throughout the user interface of your program. Additionally responsive and mobile-friendly, Bootstrap login forms look great and function well on a variety of devices.
4. Can I customize the appearance of a Bootstrap login form?
Yes, you can use CSS to change the look of a Bootstrap login form. The input fields, labels, and buttons on the form can all be styled using a set of classes provided by Bootstrap.
5. How do I validate user input on a Bootstrap login form?
JavaScript can be used to validate user input on a Bootstrap login form. You can create code that validates the user’s username and password before the form is submitted. The user can also get error warnings if they provide false information.
6. Can I use a Bootstrap login form with my existing authentication system?
A Bootstrap login form is compatible with your current authentication method. The form must be integrated with the back-end code that manages user login and authentication.
7. What are some best practices for designing a Bootstrap login form?
One of the best practices for creating a Bootstrap login form is to keep it straightforward and simple to use, make sure it’s mobile-friendly, and utilize labels and instructions that are clear and succinct. In order to defend against automated attacks, you should also think about incorporating social media login buttons and implementing security measures like CAPTCHA.
8. How can I add social media login buttons to a Bootstrap login form?
The required JavaScript libraries and API keys for the social media platforms you intend to utilize can be added to a Bootstrap login form in order to add social media login buttons. The form’s buttons may then be added, and the code for handling login and authentication can be written.
9. How do I handle errors and display error messages on a Bootstrap login form?
JavaScript allows you to manage faults and provide error messages on a Bootstrap login form. You can create code that checks for errors and pops up or shows a message box for the user. The error messages can also be styled using CSS to increase their prominence and visibility.
10. Can I add CAPTCHA or other security measures to a Bootstrap login form?
To defend against automated attacks, it is possible to add CAPTCHA or other security features to a Bootstrap login form. You can create your own CAPTCHA implementation using JavaScript or utilize a third-party CAPTCHA service. You can also utilize SSL encryption and two-factor authentication as additional security precautions.
If you liked this article about Bootstrap login forms, you should check out this article about Bootstrap sidebars.
There are also similar articles discussing Bootstrap profiles, Bootstrap carousels, Bootstrap timelines,and Bootstrap search box.
And let’s not forget about articles on Bootstrap menus, Bootstrap footers, Bootstrap testimonial sliders, and Bootstrap galleries.
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