You can never have enough HTML and CSS forms, especially if you’re working with lots of clients.
The database’s input function needs a form to create a well-organized and intuitive website. In the past, if you needed to make a request, the form would appear and you had to complete it in order to process the request step-by-step. Now there are various automation tools to facilitate the workflow according to your preference.
Many users rely on these contact forms for better website activities. These include customer feedback, general feedback, support questions, day-to-day communication between webmasters, and other types of communication taking place on a web page.
Visitors and users can use a contact form to contact you immediately rather than using your email address, or a message or chat. They also provide a more organized workflow and help you to manage every request or message you receive.
Not all contact forms are equal, so you need to ensure that it is easy-to-use with lots of functionalities. Users should also be able to access them immediately.
In the following comprehensive collection, you can choose your contact form designs based on HTML and CSS.
Comprehensive Collection of CSS Forms
Login Form with floating placeholder and light button
Author: Soufiane Khalfaoui HaSsani
This is a login form featuring a light button and floating placeholder.
Neat Form
Author: jdm
This is a clean form with a data validation based on parsley js. Once your browser supports the placeholder, it will not display the label.
Fullscreen Search
Author: Nikolay Talanov
This search input will work well, fine regardless of the position or layout type, whether or not you are using normal pages with a scroll. It will function perfectly providing you don’t override the .s–cloned style to the .search. To place this in the root, you have to use specific styles for containers, where you can check in html+body and .scroll-cont styles and .search-overlay element.
Gmail Registration Form Bubble
Author: John Rivs
React DailyUI – 001 – Sign Up
Author: Jack Oliver
Overlay Signup Form
Author: Chris Deacy
Multi-Step Form with Progress Bar using jQuery and CSS3
Author: Atakan Goktepe
You can break the long forms into smaller logical sections and convert them into a multi-step form that has a cool progress bar. This CSS form would work best for lengthy registration forms like profile fillups, checkout, or 2-factor authentication logins.
Daily UI 001 Sign Up Form
Author: Johnny Bui
Login Form – Modal
Author: Andy Tran
You can hide the login and registration panel by default when you use this CSS form. It comes with two panels, inspired by the login modal. On the right side, you will see the visible tab. Click on that, and the registration panel will appear. It will slide in and overlap in the login panel.
Material Design Login Form
Author: celyes
The author made this CSS form using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Credit Card – Pure CSS – Flat Design
Author: Jean Oliveira
Emoji Form Validation
Author: Marco Biedermann
No Questions Asked Form & Magic Focus
Author: Michal Niewitala
This is a revision of the “no questions asked” form, with the latest feature of magic focus.
Payment card checkout
Author: Simone Bernabé
This is one of the CSS forms that support the payment card checkout for American Express, DinersClub, Mastercard, and Visa.
Search Field with Push Menu
Author: BahaĂ Addin Balashoni
Obnoxious errors
Author: Maria Cheline
This form comes with obnoxious.css animation, and you can use it for form errors.
Login & Sign Up Form UI
Author: Sasha
This is a micro-interaction form for signing up and signing in.
Animated Search Box
Author: Chouaib Blg
The creator of this form used jQuery, CSS, and HTML.
Invision login – dribbble remake
Author: Mikael Ainalem
This is a sign-in Form UI.
Flexbox Form
Author: Katherine Kato
The creator used flexbox for this form.
Login form UI Design
Author: Chouaib Blgn
The author used HTML, jQuery, and Sass to create this login form.
Trendy Login screen User Interface
Author: Chouaib Blgn
POP ART Button
Author: Ahmed Nasr
This form’s purpose is to add more subscriptions. Ahmed used HTML and CSS.
HTML5 Contact Form
Author: codeconvey
The author of this contact form used CSS3 and HTML5 to create a responsive contact us page template. It is customizable, so you can edit and change some of the styles or backgrounds based on your needs and preferences. You only need to copy the HTML and CSS code to your website.
Minimalist Login
Author: Marcello Africano
This layout has a minimalist design that is ideal for different types of websites. If you like to avoid flashy effects, you can get this working sans-JavaScript since it only uses HTML and CSS. Despite being basic, this CSS form will give value to your page.
Login Page
Author: Mert Cukuren
Bootstrap 3 Contact Form
Author: reusable forms
This form comes with an enticing background. It has intuitive animation to keep the users and visitors engaged with your website.
Responsive Contact Form
Author: Amli
Login w/ Register Modal
Author: Andy Tran
This form field is large enough with a minimalist design, which will invite more visitors to your web page. You can see this if you go to the registration window by clicking the small blue sidebar to the right side. It works similarly to a typical modal window as it appears on top of the login form.
Contact Form
Author: Aina Requena
The creator of this contact form used simple animation to make it intuitive and interactive. It has simple codes, made for faster loading, thus it is a minimal form template.
Transparent Material Login Form
Author: alphardex
Responsive Contact Form
Author: Lisa Wagner
This is a simple and fast-loading contact form. The creator added more space in each form field to enable the users to view the texts they’ve included. Another major feature of this CSS form is the dropdown option. It makes the input action simpler, and you can add more options to the users.
Fake Login page with jQuery
Author: Kay
This fake login page can be made into a working form field. You can use this as a guide to make them interactive. It’s up to you if you want to handle user input directly in jQuery. This has more advanced animation despite its simple design.
Animated Login Form
Author: Alvaro Montoro
The creator used HTML and CSS to create one of these CSS forms. It is pretty simple since there are no GreenSock, JavaScript, and SVG involved. When the user inputs a correct login form, the character smiles.
Apple Dev Login
Author: Christophe Molina
This Apple Dev Login is not the usual form Apple users see on their day-to-day basis. It comes with a fantastic header ribbon and a crazy design style with skeuomorphism. This one works well since it runs on pure CSS.
Simple, flat contact form
Author: Zach Saucier
This code snippet is suitable if you prefer to keep your contact form in the basic format. It has minimal animation so it works faster and performs its real purpose.
Login Form
Author: Thibaut
This login form uses brilliant gradient effects to entice more users. It has a slight outer glow with light borders and a darker text style that you’ll see in the input fields. The overall design looks professional, while it works intuitively for the users.
Flexbox Responsive Form
Author: Adam Arglye
This CSS form has an elegant, minimal, and clean background.
Show/Hide Password Field
Author: Geoffrey Rose
The password field of this form comes with a show/hide button. Its design and background are minimal, clean, and easy to use, making it ideal for mobile applications.
Responsive Contact Form with Map
Author: Lentie Ward
The main purpose of this template’s designer is to allow users to switch between places of their preferences by putting tabs at the bottom of the map widget. This form gives you space on the rightmost corner to enable you to add more contact forms.
Less annoying form
Author: Andy Fitzsimon
Pure HTML5
Author: Vladimir Banduristov
This CSS form comes with a clean form input design. Vladimir used only HTML and CSS to create and design this HTML5 form. Its simple design enables you to add this to different parts of your website. You can also use it for a custom WordPress login to serve as the template.
Contact form with filter validation and captcha code
Author: Mario Vidov
This form has a captcha code concept, while the creator added more options to generate a random captcha code next to the text box. You can create a unique custom contact form using this concept. In reality, this will work correctly when you use it on your website.
Neomorphic Form
Author: Swapnil
Gradient Form
Author: Tyler Fry
This gradient form uses darker hues in backgrounds for the gray pages. When you focus on the input fields, you’ll see unique styles that make them more eye-catching.
Blackboard/Chalkboard Contact Form
Author: Greg Sweet
This CSS form uses a blackboard concept. It has a unique design through a variety of proper font styles with the authentic look of a chalkboard. Users can view the texts or letters clearly and the form is intuitive, so more users can fill out the form.
Abstract Sign Up Form
Author: Ricky Eckhardt
Login Page UI
Author: Khaled Mneimneh
This one comes with the basic CSS3 properties. The input fields are clean and easy to replicate, while its effect or design doesn’t interfere with the overall texts of the form.
Pupassure Sign Up Form
Author: Ricky Eckhardt
This form is the inspiration from Meagan Fisher Couldwell’s Dribbble.
Contact Form
Author: Paul Stamp
When the user clicks this contact form, it will emerge from its location. You’ll find it at the bottom of the page. The author used the CodePen editor to share the entire code script with you.
FAQs about CSS forms
1. How do I style the different form elements such as input fields, labels, and buttons in CSS?
In CSS, you may style form elements by combining selections and properties. The selector for each form element is different; for example, “input” for input fields and “button” for buttons. You can then utilize properties such as “background-color” or “font-size” to adjust the appearance of these elements. Also, you can target particular form elements with CSS classes or IDs for more specialized customization.
2. Can I create a responsive form that adapts to different screen sizes using CSS?
Sure, you may use media queries to apply different styles at various screen sizes to create a responsive form using CSS. For instance, you may use a media query to make your form’s layout a single column on displays with small fonts or to enlarge it on screens with larger fonts. In order to build a more dynamic layout that adapts to the available space, you can also utilize CSS flexbox or grid.
3. How do I add hover effects or animations to my form elements in CSS?
CSS features like “transition” and “transform” can be used to provide hover effects and animations to form elements. For instance, “transition: background-color 0.2s” can be used to gradually change a button’s background color when it is hovered over.
Alternatively, you can scale up an input field when it is focused by using “transform: scale(1.1)”. In addition, CSS keyframe animations can be used to build more complicated animations.
4. How do I align my form elements such as labels and input fields using CSS?
You can use CSS attributes like “text-align” and “align-items” to align form components. To orient the form labels to the right, for instance, use the text-align: right style. Alternately, you can use “align-items: center” to horizontally center your input fields inside of a container. Moreover, CSS flexbox or grid can be used to build more intricate layouts with accurate alignment.
5. How do I change the default styling of HTML form elements such as radio buttons and checkboxes using CSS?
With CSS’s “appearance” property, you can modify the form components’ default styling for radio buttons and checkboxes, for example. To change a checkbox’s appearance, for instance, use the custom styles “border” and “background-color.” This will eliminate the checkbox’s default appearance. Moreover, you can use CSS pseudo-elements like as “::before” or “::after” to create custom icons or visuals for your form elements.
6. Can I style a specific input field based on its value or user input using CSS?
Absolutely, you may use CSS pseudo-classes to style a particular input field based on its value or user input. For instance, you can style a radio button or checkbox when it is selected by using the “:checked” pseudo-class. Alternately, you can style input fields according to their status as valid or invalid by using the “:valid” and “:invalid” pseudo-classes. JavaScript can also be used to dynamically alter form components’ styling based on user input.
7. How do I create a multi-column form layout using CSS?
With CSS columns or CSS grid, you may design multi-column form layouts. For instance, you can use “column-count” to divide your form into several columns or “grid-template-columns” to make a grid layout that is more intricate. Moreover, you can make a row-based layout that wraps to several lines as necessary by using CSS flexbox.
8. Can I create a custom submit button for my form using CSS?
Sure, you can use CSS to design a unique submit button for your form by focusing on the “submit” button element and adding unique styling. To alter the button’s appearance, utilize properties like “background-color”, “border”, and “padding”. In addition, you may customize the button’s content by including text or icons using pseudo-elements like “::before” or “::after”. JavaScript can also be used to give the button further features like form submission or form validation.
9. How do I create a form with validation using CSS?
The “:valid” and “:invalid” pseudo-classes allow you to style input fields differently depending on their validity state when building forms with CSS. To show if a field is valid or incorrect, you might use “border-color” or “background-color,” for instance. Moreover, you can require that input fields be filled up before the form can be submitted by using the “mandatory” property on those fields. JavaScript can also be utilized to enhance the form’s validation logic.
10. How do I apply different styles to a form based on its state (e.g., focused, disabled) using CSS?
You can utilize pseudo-classes like “:hover,” “:focus,” and “:disabled” to apply various styles to a form depending on its status. For instance, you can use “background-color” or “border-color” to show when an input field is focused or to change the background of a button when it is hovered over. Moreover, you can prohibit user interaction and apply an alternative style by using the “disabled” attribute on form elements.
If you liked this article about CSS forms, you should check out this article about CSS text animation.
There are also similar articles discussing CSS menus, CSS tables, CSS hover effects, and CSS checkboxes.
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