Input fields are basic HTML elements, used for providing users with a dedicated space to input their text. They’re generally part of a form and are often overlooked when styling forms with CSS.
When using them, most creators will simply add a particular color fill or soften the exterior border. It’s not often that they take a great deal of time to personalize their text box style or experiment with CSS input text options.
In 1995, form controls were added to HTML; CSS was created and put to use in 1996. However, browser support for the newly released CSS was lacking and would remain that way for several years. This was mostly because browsers at that time relied on their own operating systems to manage their form controls.
Even though CSS became available, many browser companies were hesitant to offer their users the option of styling forms with CSS. Vendors were concerned that their users would not be satisfied with the change since they were accustomed to the appearance of their preferred platform.
This way of thinking was clearly erroneous. Website owners had expanded their ideas of creativity and now wanted custom styles that would harmonize well with their sites.
CSS Code Snippets: Create Stunning Forms in A Breeze
A website that maintains the same forms or in-text effects for a long period of time can become stale. Thankfully, there are plenty of CSS input text variations that can be implemented.
Some variations can look futuristic, outlandish, and some minimalist. This article created by our team behind Slider Revolution will showcase a collection of our favorite CSS input text codes. Each effect is simple, low maintenance, and versatile.
In addition to the list of form design overviews, we’ve included a free source code for each one.
CSS Input Text Code Snippets
Validation for Input Fields: Update CSS on RegEX
Using repoCSS.js, this code lets you run RegEX validations on input fields. It turns the input field background red when a pattern has been detected.
Tiny Login
Tiny Login creates a quality login form that exceeds the expectations of most users. One of the key aspects of this form design is its typography, which can be altered and edited, allowing it to blend into the layout of the form.
Unfolding Dropdown Selection Animation
Designed by Jon Kanter, this is a charming unfolding animation that serves as a useful drop-down selection tool.
Login and Signup Combo Form
To reduce login times, you can combine the login forms for your site with the registration form for the site. This CSS input text code combines both forms into one, and puts them on a single page.
When a user clicks the sign in or register button, the forms are introduced by way of a fun animation, which can be fully customized.
Labels: Floating
This snippet’s floating labels use a minimalist style. However, when you focus on them, there is aninteresting effect; the labels change from gray to blue. When text is put into the box, it becomes small and moves to the top portion of the field using CSS transitions.
Contact Form: Responsive Material Design
The input text field for this contact form uses both sass and jQuery. It’s highly responsive and easy to use.
Checkbox Animation: Pencil and Paper
This design uses a hand-drawn pencil and paper animation, which is scaled to fit the text box properly, and used for filling in checkboxes.
Contact Form: Blackboard/Chalkboard
The entirety of this form is made using CSS, except the simple concrete wall background.
Contact Form: Vintage Inspiration
This form is both simple and effective. At present, validation isn’t included but is available upon request.
Text Input: Labels
This form has created a text box CSS design that is free of clutter and does not require the use of the hover feature. It ensures that labels are shown at all times, and it displays a placeholder text.
Text Field Placeholder Styles
This snippet is ideal for improving your UX, offering four different placeholder text styles for the text in your chosen fields. When you start to type, placeholder text shifts out of the way but remains in the user’s view, which proves to be helpful.
Material Design Form
Material Design Form is a minimalist design approach used on Google’s UI. It uses Pug for CSS and HTML preprocessing while also relying on Sass.
The form itself is lightweight and low maintenance, with design elements appearing the same on all modern browsers.
Contact Form: Under the Sea
With a custom jQuery form validation and simple CSS3 animations, this contact form is one of the most popular on our list.
Login Form: Password Search Light Reveal
This login form was designed by Ryan Mulligan, who spent several hours perfecting it. With this form, clicking the ‘reveal password’ icon triggers a searchlight to light up the asterisks in the password text field, revealing its content.
Single Input Form: 3D
This snippet stands out from the others due to its use of a creative CSS input style that reveals text upon the user hovering over it. The effect has a smooth and professional feel. This form design is ideal to polish a project without sacrificing flair and creativity.
Grayscale to Colour Card Payment Form: Flip Animation for CVV
Grayscale to Colour Card Payment Form is extremely functional yet surprisingly minimalistic. This CC form can be tested using a dummy card, which automatically detects the type of card you’re using.
As you type in your card number, it detects the card type and imprints the correlating colors on the greyscale card. Then, when you enter the CVV number, the card flips.
Contact Form: Elegant
The combination of unique font, fantastic icons, and responsive styling elements makes this contact form one of a kind and highly competitive. The icons keep the attention of users, who generally want to complete forms in as little time as possible.
FAQs about CSS input text codes
1. How can I change the background color of an input text field using CSS?
The background-color property of CSS can be used to alter the background color of an input text field. For instance, you would use the following code to set the background color to light blue: input[type=”text”] { background-color: lightblue; }
2. How can I change the border color and thickness of an input text field using CSS?
Using CSS, you can use the border property to modify an input text field’s border color and thickness. You would use the following code, for instance, to adjust the border’s thickness to 2 pixels and color to red: input[type=”text”] { border: 2px solid red; }
3. How can I change the font size and style of text inside an input text field using CSS?
Using CSS, you can use the font property to alter the font size and style of text within an input text field. For instance, you would use the following code to set the font family to Arial and the font size to 16 pixels: input[type=”text”] { font: 16px Arial; }
4. How can I add placeholder text inside an input text field using CSS?
The::placeholder pseudo-element in CSS can be used to insert placeholder text inside an input text field. For instance, you might use the following code to insert the text “Enter your name” as placeholder text: input[type=”text”]::placeholder { content: “Enter your name”; }
5. How can I change the size and shape of an input text field using CSS?
The width and height attributes of CSS can be used to alter the size and form of an input text field. For instance, you would use the following code to set the width to 200 pixels and the height to 30 pixels: input[type=”text”] { width: 200px; height: 30px; }
6. How can I apply different styles to the text in an input text field when it is in focus?
The:focus pseudo-class can be used to change the styling of text in an input text field when it is the focus. For instance, you would use the following code to make the text blue while the input field is the focus: input[type=”text”]:focus { color: blue; }
7. How can I create a rounded input text field using CSS?
Using the border-radius property in CSS, you can make an input text field that is rounded. For instance, you would use the following code to create a text field with rounded corners: input[type=”text”] { border-radius: 5px; }
8. How can I add an icon to an input text field using CSS?
Using CSS, you can use the background-image property to add an icon to an input text field. For instance, you would use the following code to add a search icon to the left of the input field: input[type=”text”] { background-image: url(“search-icon.png”); background-position: left center; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left: 20px; }
9. How can I create a custom validation message for an input text field using CSS?
Using CSS, you can add a unique validation message to a text input field by using the:invalid pseudo-class. Use the following code, for instance, to show a notice when a user enters an incorrect email address: input[type=”email”]:invalid { border: 2px solid red; } input[type=”email”]:invalid::after { content: “Please enter a valid email address”; }
10. How can I change the cursor style when hovering over an input text field using CSS?
Using CSS, you can modify the cursor style that appears when a user’s cursor is over an input text field. For instance, you might use the following code to convert the cursor into a pointer when it is over the input field: input[type=”text”]:hover { cursor: pointer; }
If you liked this article with CSS input text code examples, you should check out this one with CSS timeline examples.
We also wrote about similar topics like CSS gallery examples, HTML calendar snippets, CSS animation examples, CSS accordion, CSS animated background, and styling radio buttons.